Tuesday, June 13, 2017

New primary school at GUMA NA YESU CHILDREN'S CENTRE

Its so amazing to see a hopeful, smiling face of a Child this reminds me of very important verses in the bible in  Philippians 2 :12 -14
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”[c] Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky
Greetings from our new Children’s Centre (Kingdom Nursery & Primary School) in a remote village of Kakoma, the centre are located 3km from our main Guma Na yesu Children Centre. The children at Kingdom Nursery & Primary School have a great faith continue to excel academically. with each passing year, however there is a huge need for classroom structure; the children study in an old ram-shackled structure which is not safe for them especially during heavy rains and storms. 

We believe God can do answer this long time prayer for this children. It is such an encouraging thing to see these children happily singing and praising God for an opportunity to be in school even amidst these challenges.  We need to make room for them to receive a top notch Christian education! We believe God for $23.000 for this project This will fund six permanent classrooms and permanent toilet ! Be a part of equipping the next generation. 


the current classrooms at Kingdom Nursery & Primary School 

                                         Current Toilets 

New primary school at GUMA NA YESU CHILDREN'S CENTRE

Its so amazing to see a hopeful, smiling face of a Child this reminds me of very important verses in the bible in  Philippians 2 :12 -14
Therefore, my dear friends, as you have always obeyed—not only in my presence, but now much more in my absence—continue to work out your salvation with fear and trembling, 13 for it is God who works in you to will and to act in order to fulfill his good purpose.
14 Do everything without grumbling or arguing, 15 so that you may become blameless and pure, “children of God without fault in a warped and crooked generation.”[c] Then you will shine among them like stars in the sky

Greetings from our new Children’s Centre (Kingdom Nursery & Primary School) in a remote village of Kakoma, the centre are located 3km from our main Guma Na yesu Children Centre. The children at Kingdom Nursery & Primary School have a great faith continue to excel academically. with each passing year, however there is a huge need for classroom structure; the children study in an old ram-shackled structure which is not safe for them especially during heavy rains and storms. 

We believe God can do answer this long time prayer for this children. It is such an encouraging thing to see these children happily singing and praising God for an opportunity to be in school even amidst these challenges.  We need to make room for them to receive a top notch Christian education! We believe God for $23.000 for this project This will fund six permanent classrooms and permanent toilet ! Be a part of equipping the next generation. 


the current classrooms at Kingdom Nursery & Primary School 

                                         Current Toilets 

Saturday, April 15, 2017

Happy Easter To You !

As soon as Jesus was crucified, the Pharisees and all those who opposed Jesus were delighted. They thought that they had won, and that there would be no more trouble from Jesus. They figured that Jesus's apostles will all go back to their own ways, and everything would return to normal. 
They couldn't have been more wrong, and they definitely didn't see this coming. Jesus rose from the grave. His believers were strengthened. Worldly sorrow had no affect on them anymore. They weren't scared of death. They weren't ashamed of their gospel. Their tears didn't go unnoticed, their prayers were heard. They were no longer slaves to sin. They had been redeemed. 
I am one of these believers. I stand as a witness to the fact that Jesus Christ isn't still in His grave. He is alive. I feel Him in my bones, because I was made in His image! I am going to Heaven because He defeated death itself. 
Are you a believer too? If not? Ask God to reveal Himself to you. Trust me, it works!

Thursday, February 9, 2017



Dear Ministry Partners and Friends,
We are loading our truck again and parking our bags Tanga Tazania for our next Gospel crusade!  In just a few weeks, I will be leaving the Uganda with our small team of 12 to the unreached region in Tanzania where we will conduct our next Gospel crusade.  Will you please pray for us and this crusade as we draw near? 
We will again be going to a much unreached village of just a few thousand people.  This village is extremely unreached, in fact the village only has one church (an Assembly of God Church) and they only have a few families who attend and are struggling to evangelize the region.  We’re working together with them to see this region shaken with the Gospel and for many to be saved, healed, delivered and discipled in Jesus name!
Would you please stand with us in prayer for the following?
·         Pray for good weather and clear roads
·         We are in need of a powerful public address system and believing God for provision
·         Pray that the Holy Spirit would draw all to the crusade and to salvation
·         Pray for healing, deliverance, signs and wonders to confirm the message of the Gospel
·         Pray for favor with local officials
·         Pray for our protection as we travel and for our families back home 
Thank you for standing with us through your prayers and finances as we travel to the most remote parts of Africa spreading the love of the Father and the Gospel of Jesus Christ with those who’ve never heard it before.
If you would like to give to our upcoming Gospel crusades  get in touch with us at gumanayesu@gmail.com  

Pray with us for an open air Crusade Outdoor Stage

Praise Jesus , this is Evangelist Naboth Tumuhairwe again; for the past 25 years in evangelism Ministry, we have reached thousands an...