Thursday, October 31, 2013

The story of Naboth - We celebrate 23years of Ministry

As we celebrate the 23 years of great outreach Gospel, open air crusades, harvest of souls for Christ's Kingdom, great deliverance , many churches planted  here at Guma Na Yesu . I would like to share with you the story of a man of God behind this ministry 

Naboth.K. Tumuhairwe and his wife Alice pastor MakenkeCentral Redeemed Church in Mbarara, Western Uganda. They are committed church planters who, in only eight years, have seen their ministry grow from one small church to over 60 churches scattered trhrought out western region of Uganda. These churches together have over 20.000 members served by 150 leaders.

Naboth is an energetic evengelist who spends most of his time conducting gospel crusades, conferences and seminars through the Great lakes region- Uganda, Tanzania, Kenya, Rwanda Burundi and the Democratic Republic of Congo. His ministry has also taken him to Europe and the United States of America

The ministry of the Tumuhairwes also includes a primary school in Rwebishuri, set up in 1993 to cater mainly for orphans. The scchool now has 360 pupils, half of them orphans.

Salvation Story
Naboth was born 45 years ago to Banyankole couple in western Uganda. His father, a respected local chief, was a very religious man. He made sure that his family attended services in their local Anglican church every Sunday. Naboth was thus baptized and confirmed in the Anglican church when he was still a young boy.
Despite their deep religiosity, however, Naboth's parents did not have a personal relationship with the lord. (They did commit their lives to Christ in their old age, shortly before they died, through Naboth's influence). Nevertheless, the religious atmosphere in Naboth home made him aware of the existence of God and the spirit world early in life. 

As a young boy, his heart was often strongly drawn to seek God. Several times he hid himself and prayed to God, asking for help with his exams or not to be beaten at school by his teachers! He read his father's Bible every once in a while.

When he became a teenager, however, Naboth lost interest in religion though he continued going to church to please his parents. This went on till he joined college. There he started feeling the desire to seek God returning. 
Resumed the occasional seasons of prayer and Bible reading. He, however, finished college and started working without getting saved. He remained a good religious Anglican.

In 1980 Naboth attended a small open air gospel meeting which radically changed his life. As he listened to the loud Pentecost preacher talk about Jesus, he realized that he lacked what the preacher and his colleagues had. He did not have a personal knowledge of God. He lacked the reality of a living, saving Jesus. He had not experienced the freedom from guilt nor the power of the Holy Spirit the preacher was speaking about.

Begining of his ministry
A few months after his conversion, Naboth entered the marriage ministry. He married his sweet heart, Alice Asiimwe, who was a born again Christian too. Their wedding was extremely simple.
Although Naboth was led to Christ by a Pentecostal preacher, he did not immediately abandon the Anglican Church. Actually, at that time, he was working in the office of the Anglican Bishop of West Ankole diocese as canteen Manager. He was also youth leader at Ruharo cathedral, the diocesan headquarters church.
Naboth began sharing what he knew about Christ's saving power with the young people he led and anyone else that cared to listen. He became active in the small fellowship of Balokole (born again Christians) there in the 

In 1985, Naboth and Alice felt that they could not continue to grow spiritually the way they desired within the Anglican Church. They longed for the power of the Holy Spirit the Pentecostal so much emphasized. They decided to join a small Pentecostal church-the United Pentecostal Church.

With the experience they had gained from leading the youth at the Anglican Cathedral, the Tumuhairwe's immediately found themselves providing leadership for the youth at the Pentecostal church. They also taught in the church school, where Naboth served as founding head master, (Both Naboth and Alice are qualified teachers)

Planting of first Church
 In 1991, Naboth and Alice left united Pentecostal church in Mbarara town and went back to their ancestral home in Rwebishuri, 4km from Mbarara. They started holding services in their small house. a short while later, a well-wisher offered them a plot of land in the village next to theirs. They raised a very simple mud and wattle structure and moved the church there. By that time, the church had grown to 13 members.

 That first church is what has now grown to the several hundred member Rwebishuri Central Redeemed Church, which in turn has so far directly given birth to 36 other churches.



Wednesday, October 30, 2013

You'll never regret this choice

If you're contemplating whether or not to do this or that... ask yourself, will this choice bring me closer to God or farther away? Is this choice apart of God's will for my life? Or will this pull me away from the plans He has for me?

Life is all about choices, for God has given us all a free will. The choice to choose the path that leads to eternity in Heaven with Him. Or hell, the path of the world that leads to destruction and torment for eternity.

God will never force you to do something. God will never force Himself on you, because He's a gentleman. God wants to bless your life, but He also wants you to be obedient to Him, trusting Him the plans He has for your life. Surrender to Him, all that consumes you, you'll never regret this choice

Monday, October 28, 2013

Soul winning season : OCTOBER Praise Report !!!

Mark 16:15 - And he said unto them, Go ye into all the world, and preach the gospel to every creature.

God has been good to us the October this month We have harvested many souls into his kingdom , we launched our Gospel outreach campaign starting from all our Zonal ministry branches, to deep in the villages in western Uganda believing God for a great harvest for OCTOBER : look how great our mighty God is , a great number has been registered , we churches and fellowships opened. We are not yet done the task is still big our Our soul task is to win souls equip and train leaders to disciple and advance God's Kingdom as well as looking after orphans and widows in their distress . 

God has blessed us with voices lets shout JESUS TO ALL PEOPLE, TO ALL CITIES , TO ALL NATIONS , TO THE WHOLE WORLD.

Earn all you can and save all you can to give all you can for as long as you can ,an effective Leader will invest his life ,his money ,his time and all he has for the kingdom of God ,Alice and Naboth have invested all in what God has called them to do, since 1991, when this ministry began to date GOD has proved faithful to these faithful servants .
check out the recent ministry outreach ministry pictures

Friday, October 25, 2013

Today's quote from Pastor Naboth Tumuhairwe

Embrace everyday as though you can't breathe without it...Be thankful for the souls that give meaning to your life, for these are true gifts...


Thursday, October 24, 2013

Today's encouragement from Pastor Naboth

Today's encouragement from Pastor Naboth 

Faith is stronger than fear.As we go through trials and tribulations,just remember,faith can move mountains and prayer CAN work miracles!!!

Monday, 24 June 2013 12:35

Ebenezer Health Centre- Guma na Yesu

Written by  Joshua Tukesiga 
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Ebenezer Health Centre- Guma na Yesu
The rising tide of HIV/AIDS, which has continuously purged the economically active population in the country, has left behind a generation of parentless and helpless children and eroded the tradition of Orphan care being seen as a social obligation.  Orphans have outgrown the carrying capacity of the extended family and any interventions now require a community-based response.
In the South Western part of the country where subsistence agriculture is the main source of livelihood families have been devastated in terms of productive manpower. Areas neighboring countries in conflict displacement, encampment and redundancy has escalated the spread of HIV/AIDS and vulnerability while in other parts high population density unmatched by improved farming methods has resulted into food insecurity amongst the population.  Yet other areas are still remote in terms of accessing services related to HIV and other health problems and have few CBOs to give any support.
 In this application entitled “IMPROVING THE HEALH OF ORPHANS, THEIR FAMILIES AND THE COMMUNITY IN GENERAL IN KAKIIKA MBARARA DISTRICT”, Guma Na Yesu – Ministries is soliciting for funds (($37707.45$ (96154000/=) to establish a health centre that will be named, “EBENEEZER HEALTH CENTRE”that will be located in Makenke, Kakiika in Mbarara district to provide health services to over 1200 orphans and the surrounding communities.

Intervention efforts by government, if they are to have full impact need to be supplemented by other players to strengthen and extend the outreach programs for a conducive environment for the survival and optimum growth of the Orphaned Vulnerable Children (OVC) hence the involvement of Guma Na Yesu Children’s centre in improving the livelihoods of the OVC.
I have hope that with the new Health Centre(EBENEEZER HEALTH CENTRE), vulnerable the orphans and communities will be reached with a minimum health and socio-economic package for sustainable development; and I call upon you to support Guma Na Yesu Children’s centre in the struggle and back the efforts of other development partners for the same cause. Thank you

Wednesday, October 23, 2013

Raising our Faith - We are constructing our Church building

we are raising our faith constructing  permanent structure for Makenke Redeemed Church, God is using Christians and God people to help all through, The youth have volunteered to carry materials here en there , and lend a hand to the builders , The women are cooking for everyone that comes for work during the week , we are overwhelmed by how God can use his people for His work , God is great . Keep in prayer with us , we are almost half way the construction . God bless you all 


We serve with love to the hurting World !!!

Gospel Network - Dream Africa and Beyond Out reach
The Lord has placed a sense of urgency in Evangelist Naboth's heart about reaching Africa for the sharing the Gospel of Jesus and serving with love to the communities in remote villages that are in most cases left out unreached for Christ  back in 1985, he received glimpse of him contributing to the task of reaching all Africa. Now, he has come to understand more clearly that a major aspect of his ministry is to evangelize Africa. His battle cry has become AFRICA SHALL BE SAVED.
To accomplish his mission, we have initiated Gospel Network Africa. The vision of the Network is to work with coordinators in all African countries for the purpose of organizing evangelistic campaigns in those countries and planting new Churches.
So far coordinators have been found in Uvira in the Democratic Republic of Congo; Bukoba in Tanzania; Kakamega in Kenya; Bujumbura in Burundi; Kigali in Rwanda. These coordinators are respected gospel ministers in their own areas.
You can be part of this field mission for Christ .    Email  :

Pray with us for an open air Crusade Outdoor Stage

Praise Jesus , this is Evangelist Naboth Tumuhairwe again; for the past 25 years in evangelism Ministry, we have reached thousands an...