Friday, December 18, 2015


GOOD AFTERNOON EVERYONE....What Ever You Might be Going Through Or Facing Right now, DON'T PANIC ...Many times when something Drastic and Unexpected Occurs we Shut Down And Panic ...Panic is the Sudden Sensation of Fear..That Sensation is So Strong that Your Logical Thinking and Reason Is Severely Handicapped
This Usually Happens at A Persons BREAKING POINT....Things Seem Over-Bearing and You Do not Know What To Do Or Where To Go, Panic Sets In...But You Must NOT Panic...Keep A LEVEL Head And Have FAITH...Stand UP, Stand STILL, and KNOW That God Is GOD And That He is FAITHFUL.

 I would like to share a simple testimony about what God did for us in this conference, It all started by faith, we believed God that people would come from allover the great lakes region and come to receive from God. Practically we did not have even food to feed these people , we did not have enough running costs , neither did we have all it takes to host a big conference it has been of over 800 people .God has proved top us that he is faithful . I never knew we would be able to feed hundreds of hungry people physically, but I knew for sure was that we were ready to feed them spiritually and knew that God was there to do even more than we expected. We simply believed God.

Day one
A lot of people were coming in from all walks of life we registered over 400 on the first day.  We did not have enough food in our store! As I was there thinking and devil bringing panic and fear, thinking what we would feed this people with. God used one of our Christians to supply us food for 2 days. I immediately went and testified and told the congregation how God had answered our prayers, people did not seem to understand me but my heart was burning with this great testimony. Whereas people thought. Calling thousands of people to come for a conference with out food?? 

It seemed unreal but in my heart God had already confirmed to me that He is with us all through. EACH DAY OF THE CONFERENCE was a continuous confirmation of our faith in Christ; every cost was paid by Christ HIMSELF. From then focused by eyes on Jesus and even taught all my team to do the same , we have seen God do everything and running smoothly , many people were delivered , several came to Christ and we have witnessed the great revival in our land to usher us to the new year.

Your BREAKING Point Is Not There To BREAK you and DESTROY you .Its there to BREAK Some Stuff Off Of You and Out Of Your Life to PROPEL/HURL you into another HIGHER Level in God!!!...A Higher Level In FAITH And A Higher Level In BLESSINGS....The Sense Of Panic Is Strong But It Can NOT Penetrate Through A Level Head That Is Held Up By FAITH.

God customized the purpose within you JUST FOR YOU. Trust him when you cannot see what is on the other side of the door, in the seasons that seem out of the ordinary, and the times when it feels like the devil is knocking directly on your front door. Stay strong, prayed up, and covered in the FULL armor of God. There is purpose within you that MUST be walked out before your last day on earth.
Use That Breaking Point To Break FEAR and PANIC, And To BOOST FAITH and TRUST In God...Tell 3 People Today, DON'T PANIC.....Enjoy The Rest Of Your Evening.
God bless you and I wish you a great Festive season.

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